19 Mar 2012

Portrait Inspiration - Paolo Roversi

All photos copyright Paolo Roversi

Is there a better way to start the week for a photographer than gazing at the soulful portraits of Paolo Roversi? For me it is better than a slice of toast and a good coffee to get me going. 

Paolo Roversi's women feel as though they are caught in a trance, lost somewhere between the here and now. An emotion I feel is rarely captured by most portrait photographer. 

Famous for his use of large format polaroids his girls rarely smile but their neutrality is soft, feminine and timeless. And that soft focus from the large format camera.. I love it!! 

After all, he is the master!!

On another note the fabulous Lia has designed a blog just about women called FemmeLista and I am her launch post I think this blog will be gorgeous, all about women and what makes them tick!

Have a great Monday.

Carla xx


  1. Love the intensity of these portraits Carla. Strong and feminine and why not! Congratulations too on the guest appearance. Off to read now...Jx

  2. It's Monday and I've not had my coffee and I'm all ready to rock the boat here! I will agree that Paolo's portraits are riveting, but I find them unsettling Carla. I can't find the word I want ( maybe the coffee would help) but maybe "eerie" will do for now. I think a good portrait should evoke an emotion, and these certainly do, but maybe not what I would be looking for. Perhaps this is his style. I"m going to ponder and perhaps jump back in here again today!

  3. Ever since I saw his photos for Vera Wang, Paolo Roversi has been one of my favorite photographers. A crazy wish I've held for a long time is to be photographed by him (although I don't know what the purpose of that would be).

    I didn't know he photographed La Swinton! How I would have loved to have been in a room with those two!

  4. Greetings to you Carla on this Monday AM + grand pictures.

  5. I love these portraits, and your description of these women as caught between here and now. Intense like nobody's business. Maybe part of why I don't feel completely comfortable doing portraits! ;)

  6. Sensual and individual....there's a great strength to all of these portraits. Thank you for bringing Paolo Roversi to my attention. A bientot.

  7. I'm with Virginia on this one. I find the photos a bit off putting to be honest. It's as though he is trying to make beautiful women look ugly for some reason.

    If I was a woman and saw photos like these advertising a clothes store, I don't think that I would ever set foot in the shop

  8. Paolo is a genius - so cool and so talented :)
    LOVED your post at Femmelista - fab!

  9. Hello!!!
    Carla I saw this just now! Thank you for the compliments, I hope women get a chance to discover and connect with other amazing women like you through FemmeList.
    I feel lucky to have you as the blog's first posting. A great way to bless this project :-)

  10. lisa | renovating italy22 March 2012 at 04:30

    Just love the old world sense to these images, especially the eyes and gentle powerful certainty of the models. Certainly intense, and almost hypnotic...
    ciao lisa

  11. great shots! the BW are my favourite!

  12. Hello Carla, have tried several times to leave comments here but for some reason Blogger doesn't allow me through these days. Have to try to say these faces are so striking and haunting. Fingers crossed this will go through. xx
