14 Mar 2012

Portrait Inspiration - Giampaolo Sgura

Copyright Giampaolo Sgura

Women are my favourite subjects no matter who they are. Whether they are dancers at the Moulin Rouge, my mum, my sisters, models or women I have just met, I love shooting women. I understand women, their beauty, their insecurities, their fragility, their strength and their generosity. 

I recently discovered the work of the fabulous Giampaolo Sgura through the wonderful campaign he shot for Dolce and Gabbana and on the same day I opened Vanity Fair and there was one of the best photos I have seen of Antonio Banderas and Melanie Griffith for yonks!! By the fabulous Mr. Sgura..

I am now his number 1 fan. This man loves shooting women (you just need to look at his photos).Every pic I have seen of his women are beautiful, sensual and feminine .I love these two photos and the incredible feminine pose of Bianca Balti.

If you are shooting portraits these pics might be wonderful inspirations.

Carla xx


  1. These are such beautiful images, I will have to check out Mr Sgura's work a little more :) I would love to develop my portrait photography ... if only I could find some willing subjects!

  2. Women, their beauty, their insecurities, their fragility, their strength and their generosity.


  3. i love photographing nudes, when I was a student I switched to shooting Men and it was such a change in the mindset. Gorgeous images and his love shows!
    ciao lisa

  4. Whew. These photos are inspiring no matter what, photographer or not!

    Aren't we (women) awesome? ;)

  5. Thanks for letting me know this amazing photographer.
    I really like "RETRO RENEGADE" of the blog.
